#Indian Ocean Application Meta

#Indian Ocean | The third-largest ocean | Covering ca. 70.56 million square kilometers | Average depth 3,741 meters (12,274 feet) | Deepest point Java Trench 7,450 meters (24,442 feet)

#2Africa Pearls under-sea csble

#India-Asia-Express (IAX) under-sea csble

#India-Europe-Express (IEX) under-sea csble

#Strait Of Malacca

#Bab ElbMandab Strait

#Sea Routes

#Petroleum Traffic

#Petroleum Products

#Persian Gulf Oil Fields

#Hydrocarbon Reserves

#Offshore Oil Production

#Beach Sand Minerals

#Global Container Trade



#Submarine Fans

#Slope Terraces

#Rift Valleys

#Circumpolar Deep Water

#Crozet Basins

#Madagasgar Basins

#Western Boundary Current

#Somali Basin

#Rossby Waves

#Subtrobical Anticyclonal Gyre

#Bay Of Bengal

#South Equatorial Current

#Arabian Sea

#Indian Ocean Carbage Patch


#Extended Continental Shelf

#Seaborn Trade

#Fish aggregating device

#Tuna fishers

#Tuna school

#Drifting fish aggregating device (dFAD): floating object attracting tuna to hide under and around it

#Tuna-like species: yellowfin, bigeye, skipjack, bluefin

#Bycatch of turtles

#Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) | One nautical mile in radius | Hub of biodiversity | Made up of organisms especially vulnerable to bottom-fishing gear | Refuge for life forms stressed by rapidly warming ocean

#Oil Transit

#Choke Points

#Strait Of Hormuz